This morning, I got a phone call from a friend, letting me know that Grow Tallahassee mentioned my name and said I was the accountant for Our Tallahassee, a local “news” platform.
The article said:
Our Tallahassee’s legal documents were filed by an accountant, Shelby Green, who is now running against Dianne Williams-Cox in this year’s city commission race. One of the authors of this ad, Bob Lotane, ran against Dianne Williams-Cox in 2018, and lost with a large margin: 34% vs 65% to Williams-Cox’s favor.
The other author, Max Herrle, is managing Adner Marcelin’s campaign to also unseat… yes, you guessed it, Dianne Williams-Cox.
In early January 2021, I helped file the legal documents for Our Tallahassee. At the time, I was excited to help start a local publication that I thought would contribute to increased transparency and public participation in Tallahassee. Shortly after the filing, I left Our Tallahassee due to concerns about unethical behavior.
Grow Tallahassee is aware of this information, because it is public record and was documented by the Tallahassee Democrat:
Our Tallahassee registered with the state of Florida in January as a limited liability corporation, according to state records. Shelby Green, who would later be appointed as Leon County's Soil and Water Commission, was the only member listed in initial filings. Later, Lotane’s name was added.
Software developer Shelby Green told the Democrat she designed data visualization tools for the website, but now has nothing to do with its content and offered only a brief statement about her departure.
Grow Tallahassee is presenting false information (Btw, I’m not even an accountant. Who does their fact checking?) to create a false narrative that Cmr. Williams-Cox is undeserving of opposition and that I am conspiring with Our Tallahassee to unseat her.
Let me correct the record:
I am not involved in any smear campaign against Cmr. Williams-Cox. I have no affiliation with Our Tallahassee or the ad that was ran against her. I have no affiliation with Max Herrle, Bob Lotane, or anyone associated to Our Tallahassee. I severed all ties after my departure.
I am running to unseat Cmr. Williams-Cox because I — her constituent and former supporter — believe her complacency and disregard for effective, adequate public service is unacceptable.
During the pandemic, Cmr. Williams-Cox, along with the rest of the City Commission, voted to end the utility moratorium and resume utility disconnections, without an adequate communication or recovery plan in place.
When I spoke at countless City Commission meetings to hold them accountable on their promise to “reach 0% utility disconnections”, the Commission dismissed my concerns and Cmr. Williams-Cox ensured me the City was doing "everything they could" to properly communicate information — that was a lie.
I had to earn media coverage and aggressively canvass to distribute necessary information to the community because Cmr. Williams-Cox refused to answer our countless calls for help.
The City’s behavior during the pandemic was inexcusable. Cmr. Williams-Cox does not deserve a second term, plain and simple. When she had a chance to serve the community and respond to our needs, she didn’t. And that’s why I’m running against her. Tallahassee needs true leadership and representation, not silence and broken promises.
So while I agree with Grow Tallahassee that there are political machines in this town that claim to be the “good guys” saving us from the “special interest, dark money insiders” — like those in Our Tallahassee — it is inexcusable to blatantly misconstrue my story and likeness to paint Cmr. Williams-Cox in a better light.
It’s misinformation and is contributing to divisive rhetoric that Grow Tallahassee claims to oppose.
Hi, my name is Shelby Green. I’m running for Tallahassee City Commission against Cmr. Williams-Cox because we need a Commissioner that will prioritize the needs of our community and to restore hope, joy, and light to our neighbors that were left behind during the pandemic.
I’m running a genuine grassroots campaign, so I appreciate all the support I can get!
Please vote for me by August 23rd and support the campaign by:
Volunteering - we’re phone banking on July 19th at 6pm. Sign up.
Sharing this article with a friend that lives in Tallahassee.
For more information:
Brief: 9,098 City of Tallahassee Utility customers are behind on their bill
Petition: Tallahassee Commission: print the disconnection date & relief options on utility bills
Presentation: Open Data for Justice: using public data to track and prevent utility shutoffs
Earned Media: Tallahassee Residents Help Neighbors Get Utility Assistance