Hi everyone!
Took me a minute to wrangle them together, but here are the notes from the Dec. 7th Tallahassee City Commission meeting.
It’s time-consuming work to write up these notes, but valuable because where else can you just get the facts on what happened at the Commission meeting?
The City hasn’t posted meeting minutes since its Sept. 21st meeting. 5 meetings have occurred since then. In an information desert like Tallahassee, that is unacceptable and leaves the door wide open to bad actors who will skew information for their own political agenda.
It bothers me that our government disregards its responsibility to distribute information and to keep its residents informed. Their negligence leads to weakened civic engagement & the decay of collective memory.
I’m going on a bit of a rant lol but I hope Open Tallahassee can help fill the information gap, in a responsible way, without intentionally skewing perception or distributing misinformation.
Eventually, I will separate myself from Open Tallahassee and that will be the place you can go to get Tallahassee-specific news. There will be an interest meeting in February to gather folks who want to help start up this new civic organization!
I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season!